A Breakthrough Monochromatic X-Ray Technology

Advanced Technology

A spin-off from astrophysics research, our patented, breakthrough monochromatic x-ray mammography instrument offers an unprecedented combination of sensitivity, spatial resolution, low-dose, and ease of use.

Early Detection

It promises to overcome many of the problems with the detection of cancerous lesions in dense breasts. This 2-D and 3-D diagnostic tool will serve a very large group of women who go undiagnosed and who are most at risk for developing breast cancer.

Less Radiation

It will reduce screening doses by more than 85% for ALL women, allowing annual exams that substantially reduce lifetime radiation exposure.

Widespread Use

Instruments incorporating this technology will cost no more to produce than units currently used in breast care clinics.


Press & Publications

  • Innovative monochromatic x-ray source for high-quality and low-dose medical imaging

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  • AuntMinnie.com

    Could monochromatic x-ray be the future of breast imaging?

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  • European Journal of Radiology

    Monochromatic X-rays: The future of breast imaging

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  • AuntMinnie.com

    Women's Imaging Insider

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  • Journal of Radiological Protection

    Could imaging with monochromatic x-ray beams become a reality in all our hospitals?

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  • The Imaging Wire

    Making a better mammogram

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  • Physics World - Diagnostic Imaging

    Monochromatic X-ray source could make mammograms safer

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  • The Imaging Wire

    The future of breast imaging

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  • Diagnostic Imaging Europe

    Medical imaging with monochromatic X-rays

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Imagine Scientific Team


Eric Silver, Ph. D.

Founder and CEO
Imagine Scientific, Inc.

Doug Fisher

Ram Liebenthal

Hagar Spits



Barbara Abrams, Dr PH

Professor in the Graduate School, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, CA

Neil S. Fruman, MD

Family practitioner, John Muir Medical Group, Walnut Creek, CA.

Elsie Levin, MD

Medical Director, Boston Breast Diagnostic Center, MA

Alexander Norbash, MD

Professor and Chair of Radiology, University of California at San Diego, CA

Rebecca Rakow-Penner, MD

Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of California at San Diego, CA

Abram Recht, MD

Professor of Radiology Oncology, Harvard Medical School; Deputy Chief, Dept. of Radiology Oncology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

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